Direct Services to Schools

Designated Teacher for Looked After Children - Post 16

A session led by Royal Borough of Greenwich Virtual School staff to enable Designated Teachers and supporting staff to meet their statutory duties in schools and colleges with a focus on Post-16 Children and Young People.

The session will focus on how to support Children and Young People with preparing for adulthood and transitioning to further education, employment and training.

Practitioners will:

  • understand the role of the virtual school in supporting the education of children in care including new responsibilities 
  • understand the main responsibilities as a Designated Teacher
  • look at some of the barriers that impact upon our children’s learning
  • look at strategies to help children with their learning
  • support and prepare our vulnerable children and young people with transition

Settings will: 

  • be able to satisfy a school’s Governing Body that the Designated Teacher is meeting their statutory obligations
  • develop more robust systems and support for improving the outcomes of Looked After Children

Designated Teachers for Looked After Children and delegated staff, pastoral staff and SENCOs

Greenwich Direct Services to Schools
2nd May 2024 (9:00am - 12:30pm)
The Professional Development Centre (PDC), (only disabled parking available on-site)
Royal Greenwich Virtual School Staff
Free to RBG schools
Free for non-RBG schools

To make booking please Login or Register
A Practical Guide to Schools' Single Central Record (SCR)

This unique, innovative and practical workshop considers issues around setting up and maintaining the data on the schools’ SCR in the context of the regulations, guidance and best practice.

Course objectives include:

  • To understand both the regulatory framework and best practice underpinning the format and content of the SCR
  • To consider the categories of staff/workers that should be recorded on the SCR
  • To explore options around format and content of the SCR
  • To equip participants with a practical understanding of all pre-employment checks for school-based staff, volunteers, contractors and agency workers
  • To help participants review their own school SCR and the related pre-employment checking processes

The SCR forms part of the regular Ofsted inspection.

Pupils will: 

  • be supported by safer recruited staff 

Practitioners will: 

  • benefit from a greater knowledge and practical understanding in maintaining the SCR
  • have greater confidence in engaging with Ofsted around compliance

Settings will: 

  • be safer organisations that can demonstrate greater compliance around pre-employment checks and verifications

Staff responsible for setting up and/or maintaining the Single Central Record (SCR)

Greenwich Direct Services to Schools
100% of attendees to have completed feedback, would recommend this course.
21st May 2024 (9:00am - 12:30pm)
The Professional Development Centre (PDC), (only disabled parking available on-site)
Tony Lampert Consulting
£60 for RBG schools
£70 for non-RBG schools

To make booking please Login or Register
Safer Recruitment

This workshop is the Safer Recruitment Consortium accredited, updated version of the Safer Recruitment training for Headteachers, school Governors and other staff who are likely to sit on interview panels or appoint staff.

It is still a requirement for every school appointments panel to include at least one member who has completed the Safer Recruitment training.

Course content provides clear explanations of government guidance regarding the safer recruitment process. It also includes an update of the most recent legislation changes (Keeping Children Safe in Education) and the pre-employment checking process that impacts on Safeguarding and Child Protection. 

It is recommended that you refresh your training every 5 years.   

Pupils will:

  • be safer and have safeguarding needs met in a more appropriate and timely manner

Practitioners will:

  • have an awareness and understanding of offender behaviour
  • be able to identify the key features of staff recruitment that helps deter or prevent the appointment of unsuitable people
  • be able to consider policies and practices that minimise opportunities for abuse
  • begin to review their own and their settings' policies and practices, with a view to making them safer

Settings will:

  • be safer organisations
  • comply with government guidance and legislation

All Headteachers, school Governors, Business Managers and other staff likely to sit on interview panels or administer staff appointment

Greenwich Direct Services to Schools
100% of attendees to have completed feedback, would recommend this course.
13th June 2024 (9:00am - 5:00pm)
The Professional Development Centre (PDC), (only disabled parking available on-site)
Lead Practitioner from Proactive Safeguarding and Tony Lampert Consulting
£125 for RBG schools
£155 for non-RBG schools

To make booking please Login or Register
Designated Safeguarding Lead Person Refresher Course

Keeping Children Safe in Education and Government guidance requires Designated Safeguarding Leads (DSL) to complete refresher training every two years. 

This course will revisit the roles and responsibilities of the Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL), new safeguarding guidance, initiatives, reflections and challenges of the role. It will provide participants with the opportunity to share safeguarding experiences with their DSL colleagues.

The course will also provide updates on safeguarding legislation and guidance - the current Keeping Children Safe in Education, and Working Together to Safeguard Children, that affect Safeguarding and Child Protection.

Pupils will: 

  • be safer and have safeguarding needs met in an appropriate and timely manner 

Practitioners will: 

  • understand the child protection responsibilities of the designated safeguarding lead person 

Settings will: 

  • be safer organisations and compliant with government/statutory guidance

This course is designed for those acting as the designated safeguarding lead person for child protection, or their deputies, or those who have previously attended the full day Designated Safeguarding Lead Person initial training

Greenwich Direct Services to Schools
100% of attendees to have completed feedback, would recommend this course.
20th June 2024 (9:30am - 12:30pm)
The Professional Development Centre (PDC), (only disabled parking available on-site)
Lead Practitioner from Proactive Safeguarding
£60 for RBG schools
£70 for non-RBG schools

To make booking please Login or Register