- benefit from a consistent approach to inclusion
- have opportunities to network with colleagues in similar roles within Greenwich schools
- gain access to specialist advice abd support from both internal and external partners
- have dedicated time to reflect, share best practices, and stay current with inclusion practices and statutory requirements
- promote consistency in their inclusion practices
- ensure communication and expectations are of the highest quality
This course will provide participants with training as Paediatric First Aiders within the workplace, incorporating particular skills for the treatment of injured and ill children and babies.
Day 1 will cover working with children aged 8 and above
Day 2 will cover working with babies from birth to 1 and children 1-7 years.
All participants will receive a delegate pack. It should be noted that there is no examination on the second day, participants will be continually assessed during the course. Attendance is required on both dates.
Successful candidates will be awarded an Emergency First Aid (Children and Babies) certificate, valid for three years.
Pupils will:
- be safer and have safeguarding needs met in a more appropriate and timely manner
Practitioners will:
- feel confident and prepared to deal with First Aid situations as and when they arise
All interested staff from all schools.
This course is open to anyone wishing to train as a First Aider – especially those working with children and babies.
Candidates must be physically fit with the ability and temperament to undertake First Aid training
This session will be an opportunity for year 3 teachers to work with colleagues from other Royal Greenwich schools and consider the end of year 3 National Curriculum expectations for writing.
During the session participants will:
- consider the end of year 3 National Curriculum expectations for writing
- through professional dialogue, benchmark their pupil's work
- be able to identify any gaps in pupils' attainment or curriculum provision
- share examples and good practice with colleagues
Pupils will:
- be enabled and supported to reach expectations appropriate to their ability and in line with similar pupils nationally
Practitioners will:
- benchmark their judgements with other schools against national standards
Settings will:
- be secure in their teacher assessment judgements for year 3 writing
Year 3 teachers
Recent Ofsted reports have identified poor recruitment and suitability check processes as significant factors leading to ineffective safeguarding. This automatically results in an inadequate overall judgment. Further actions have identified gaps in staff support, supervision and training for staff for both groupcare and childminder settings.
Safe recruitment practices together with ongoing staff support and supervision through regular team meetings, 1:1s, appraisals and inductions are key to ensuring highly effective and meaningful engagement between staff and managers, including childminding assistants and childminders. It also provides an essential opportunity for leaders and staff to identify training needs, prioritise staff wellbeing, discuss concerns confidentially and to offer guidance within the role.
Good staff management is vital to ensuring children are kept safe but also that their learning and development needs are met by committed, skilled and motivated staff.
The training will cover:-
- Safer recruitment procedures and policies
- Robust probationary and induction period
- Effective team meetings
- The role and format of 1:1s and ways to implement them
- Conducting an appraisal
- Having difficult conversations
- Managing expectations and balancing staff needs
- Staff wellbeing and workloads
This training will be interactive and an opportunity to share best practice and common issues.
PVIs and Childminders - managers, deputy managers and room leaders