Welcome to Direct Services to Schools
The service pages outline a range of services that will enhance the outstanding support schools provide to children and young people. Please review these pages to see how we can help.
Many of our services and development programmes can be tailored to suit your school's specific needs, therefore please contact us to discuss any requirements you may have.
Your feedback and knowing that our services meet your individual needs is valuable in ensuring we support your school to continue to nurture and develop our children and young people; therefore if you have any feedback regarding services we provide, that you require, or for general enquiries please complete this feedback form. This will be submitted to Matthew West, Head of School Improvement and can also be accessed via the QR code below.
We look forward to working with you and welcoming you to the PDC soon.
Vicki Cuff
Senior Assistant Director
Inclusion, Learning and Achievement
Children's Services
Royal Borough of Greenwich
Upcoming Courses
Supporting students with an ASD in Primary School (5 weeks)
Monday 16th September -
Primary Geography Subject Leader Network Meetings
Tuesday 17th September -
*Paediatric 1st Aid
Wednesday 18th September -
Phonics Programme 'STEPS to Success'
Wednesday 18th September -
**Designated Safeguarding Person Lead**
Saturday 21st September
Latest News
Please click on the image below to see further details of the course currently provided.