We provide a wide range of programmes, including bespoke training opportunities, for the school workforce and wider. Our training supports schools in providing outstanding education for children and young people.
Opportunities for development are provided in a variety of packages, including courses for individuals, school staff, groups of practitioners and school-based CPD customised to a schools’ particular need.
Some examples of feedback from our courses include:
“…The support was brilliant and I would unreservedly recommend this course to everyone wanting to improve their practice” Attendee of Restorative Approaches Theory and Practice Level 5 course from Criminal Justice/Community Mediation charity
“Excellent course, extremely well delivered, put me at ease” Attendee of First Aid course from School Workforce
We continue to embed a robust system of quality assurance to ensure all our workforce development is of the highest standard and offers good value for money.
We are pleased to now include, within the Direct Services to Schools website, details of development opportunities and training provided by Greenwich Learning Partnership and Family Hubs.
All programmes are fully accessible via the links provided. Please click on the buttons to the right to take you to a course category and explore the programme of available courses.