Direct Services to Schools

Getting It Right First Time - Training on Exclusion Law and Guidance
Training on Exclusion Law and Guidance
Practitioners will:
  • Have an understanding of the exclusion guidance and responsibilities when suspending and issuing permanent exclusions
  • Be empowered to issue exclusions when necessary, in a reasonable, lawful and procedurally fair manner
  • Have a full understanding of Independent Review Panels.
Settings will:
  • Have staff who have a greater understanding of best practice and are compliant with the responsibilities of the Exclusion Guidance as issued by the DfE.
Headteachers and Assistant Headteachers
Greenwich Direct Services to Schools
27th September 2024 (9:30am - 4:15pm)
Woolwich Town Hall
Tanya Callman
£20 for RBG schools
£20 for non-RBG schools

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