Direct Services to Schools

Analysing and managing behaviour for Children with an ASD in a school setting

This course will provide staff with ways to analyse behaviour in children with an ASD, taking into account their specific learning and processing styles. This will lead to discussing practical strategies to manage behaviour in school, including designing behaviour plans and links to school behaviour policies.

It is recommended that LSA’s attend together with the school SENCO, so that strategies can be integrated within school-based behaviour policies and plans. The course will NOT cover handling and restraint management techniques.

Pupils will:

  • have effective behaviour plans in place to support their learning in school

Staff will:

  • be equipped to understand and manage behaviour for children with an ASD

Settings will:

  • have a consistent evidence-based approach to analysing and managing behaviour for children with an ASD in their school

Staff supporting children with an ASD in school settings, to include LSAs, SENCOs and Teachers

Greenwich Direct Services to Schools
1st April 2025 (9:30am - 12:30pm)
SEND Outreach, King's Park Campus, Eltham Palace Road, SE9 5LX
SEND Outreach Support Service
Free to RBG schools
£155 for non-RBG schools

To make booking please Login or Register
Evidence based literacy/dyslexia interventions (Primary & Secondary)

An overview of current evidence-based literacy/dyslexia interventions addressing the needs of pupils with difficulties in:

  • Language
  • Comprehension
  • Reading
  • Spelling
  • Phonics
  • Handwriting

These will include computer-based and non computer-based interventions.

Practitioners will:

  • have increased awareness and confidence in selecting appropriate technologies to reduce barriers to learning, promote inclusion and independent learning to meet the needs of individual learners


Greenwich Direct Services to Schools
2nd April 2025 (9:00am - 12:00pm)
SEND Outreach, King's Park Campus, Eltham Palace Road, SE9 5LX
SEND Outreach Support Service
£30 for RBG schools
£50 for non-RBG schools

To make booking please Login or Register
KS1 and KS2 Statutory Assessment Briefing

This course is comprised of a suite of pre-recorded presentations and a follow up webinar. Registered participants will be able to download a suite of pre-recorded presentations early in the 2025 Spring Term. It is recommended that schools then ensure senior leaders and all relevant members of staff have access to these presentations to ensure the school adopts a robust strategic approach to KS1 and KS2 statutory assessment and reporting processes. The suite of presentations will include the following:  

  • Statutory Assessment overview 
  • Assessment administration and maladministration 
  • Teacher assessment and moderation
  • Data submission 
  • EYFS 
The webinar will provide participants with:  
  • Statutory assessment updates since the publication of the suite of presentations
  • A brief refresher on the key aspects schools should be considering prior to test administration and data submission 
  • A question and answer session

Pupils will: 

  • benefit from secure and robust assessment processes in their school 
Participants will: 
  • gain an insight into the assessment requirements for 2024/2025 
  • be able to identify considerations and implications for their own school assessment arrangements
Settings will: 
  • be secure in their statutory assessment and reporting arrangements and processes for 2024/2025

Senior Leaders and Assessment Leaders

Greenwich Direct Services to Schools
100% of attendees to have completed feedback, would recommend this course.
3rd April 2025 (3:45pm - 5:15pm)
Members of the School Improvement Service
£60 for RBG schools
£70 for non-RBG schools

To make booking please Login or Register
A Practical Guide to Schools' Single Central Record (SCR)

This unique, innovative and practical workshop considers issues around setting up and maintaining the data on the schools’ SCR in the context of the regulations, guidance and best practice.

Course objectives include:

  • To understand both the regulatory framework and best practice underpinning the format and content of the SCR
  • To consider the categories of staff/workers that should be recorded on the SCR
  • To explore options around format and content of the SCR
  • To equip participants with a practical understanding of all pre-employment checks for school-based staff, volunteers, contractors and agency workers
  • To help participants review their own school SCR and the related pre-employment checking processes


The SCR forms part of the regular Ofsted inspection.

Pupils will: 

  • be supported by safer recruited staff 


Practitioners will: 

  • benefit from a greater knowledge and practical understanding in maintaining the SCR
  • have greater confidence in engaging with Ofsted around compliance


Settings will: 

  • be safer organisations that can demonstrate greater compliance around pre-employment checks and verifications


Staff responsible for setting up and/or maintaining the Single Central Record (SCR)

Greenwich Direct Services to Schools
100% of attendees to have completed feedback, would recommend this course.
24th April 2025 (9:00am - 12:30pm)
The Professional Development Centre (PDC) at Eltham
Tony Lampert Consulting
£60 for RBG schools
£70 for non-RBG schools

To make booking please Login or Register