Direct Services to Schools

Health and Safety Awareness

This Health and Safety Awareness course will enable your business to comply with the legal requirement to carry out health and safety assessments of the risk related to activities.

The main aims of this course are to provide an understanding of principles of Health & Safety, and know how to apply the knowledge gained to reduce the risk of injury to themselves and others.

By the end of the session, delegates will have the following knowledge base:

  • Health and Safety legislation
  • responsibilities of employer and employee
  • accidents, incidents and hazards in the workplace
  • how to conduct a risk assessment
  • moving and handling
  • Health and Safety signs
  • control of hazardous substances
  • how to report unsafe acts to prevent an accident


Health and safety is a generic course and can be attended by any professional working either in clinical or nonclinical roles.

This course can be delivered as an induction course or for those who require a refresher.

Greenwich Direct Services to Schools
100% of attendees to have completed feedback, would recommend this course.
8th January 2025 (10:00am - 4:00pm)
Davies Consulting & Training Ltd
£125 for RBG schools
£155 for non-RBG schools

To make booking please Login or Register
Induction for New Governors

This course provides an opportunity for Governors to develop a strong focus on their core strategic functions below:

  • Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction
  • Holding the Headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils
  • Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent
  • Meeting safeguarding responsibilities

Governors will:

  • have a clear understanding of the role for which they have volunteered 
  • become active participators and effective Governors as quickly as possible 
  • understand how to get to know their school and how to challenge
  • be confident when dealing with written information
  • be able to interrogate data
  • be confident in managing their accountability responsibilities
  • understand their safeguarding role and responsibilities


New or recently appointed/elected Governors

Greenwich Direct Services to Schools
100% of attendees to have completed feedback, would recommend this course.
9th January 2025 (9:30am - 3:30pm)
The Professional Development Centre (PDC) at Eltham
Members of the School Improvement Service
£125 for RBG schools
£155 for non-RBG schools

To make booking please Login or Register
11th June 2025 (9:30am - 3:30pm)
The Professional Development Centre (PDC) at Eltham
Members of the School Improvement Service
£125 for RBG schools
£155 for non-RBG schools

To make booking please Login or Register
Supporting students with an ASD in the Foundation Stage

This course specifically focuses on meeting the needs of children with an ASD in the Foundation Stage. 

It covers:

  • What is ASD?
  • Communication development and strategies
  • Sensory sensitivities and strategies to manage them
  • Behaviour and strategies to manage behaviour

Pupils will:

  • be provided with appropriate strategies and support to assist their inclusion, interaction and access to all areas of the curriculum

Practitioners will:

  • have a deeper understanding of autism and how it affects children and their families
  • be equipped with a range of strategies to support children with autism in mainstream primary schools

Settings will:

  • have staff who have a greater understanding of best practice in relation to children with autism as well as the sensory difficulties they experience which can affect their ability to be included

Staff supporting pupils with an ASD in the Foundation Stage, SENCOs, Teachers and Teaching Assistants

Greenwich Direct Services to Schools
13th January 2025 (9:30am - 4:00pm)
SEND Outreach, King's Park Campus, Eltham Palace Road, SE9 5LX
SEND Outreach Support Service
Free to RBG schools
£200 for non-RBG schools

To make booking please Login or Register
KS2 Expected Standard writing moderation workshop for Year 6 teachers

This session will focus on particular criteria within the expected standard and provide an opportunity for participants to:  

  • Strengthen their understanding of the KS2 writing national standards
  • Moderate a range of writing from their Year 6 pupils with other schools 

Delegates will be required to bring along a selection of Year 6 writing evidence from their school to moderate with other schools against the expected standard statements. 

The second moderation workshop session, in March,  will focus on the criteria within the greater depth standard. 

A recorded presentation detailing the requirements and arrangements for statutory moderation in 2025 will also be made available for participants to download and share with other relevant members of staff in their school.

Pupils will: 

  • be enabled and supported to reach expectations appropriate to their ability and in line with similar pupils nationally 
Practitioners will: 
  • moderate and validate their judgements with other schools against national standards 
Settings will:
  • be secure in their teacher assessment judgements for Year 6 writing

Year 6 Teachers of all Primary schools

Greenwich Direct Services to Schools
100% of attendees to have completed feedback, would recommend this course.
14th January 2025 (10:00am - 12:00pm)
The Professional Development Centre (PDC) at Eltham
Members of the School Improvement Service
£40 for RBG schools
£50 for non-RBG schools

To make booking please Login or Register