This workshop is the Safer Recruitment Consortium accredited, updated version of the Safer Recruitment training for Headteachers, school Governors and other staff who are likely to sit on interview panels or appoint staff.
It is still a requirement for every school appointments panel to include at least one member who has completed the Safer Recruitment training.
Course content provides clear explanations of government guidance regarding the safer recruitment process. It also includes an update of the most recent legislation changes (Keeping Children Safe in Education) and the pre-employment checking process that impacts on Safeguarding and Child Protection.
It is recommended that you refresh your training every 5 years.
Pupils will:
- be safer and have safeguarding needs met in a more appropriate and timely manner
Practitioners will:
- have an awareness and understanding of offender behaviour
- be able to identify the key features of staff recruitment that helps deter or prevent the appointment of unsuitable people
- be able to consider policies and practices that minimise opportunities for abuse
- begin to review their own and their settings' policies and practices, with a view to making them safer
Settings will:
- be safer organisations
- comply with government guidance and legislation
All Headteachers, school Governors, Business Managers and other staff likely to sit on interview panels or administer staff appointment
- have a greater understanding of their responsbilities to support children who may be in care or previously in care
- be better supported in their settings despite their family circumstances and lived experience
Keeping Children Safe in Education and Government guidance requires Designated Safeguarding Leads (DSL) to complete refresher training every two years.
This course will revisit the roles and responsibilities of the Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL), new safeguarding guidance, initiatives, reflections and challenges of the role. It will provide participants with the opportunity to share safeguarding experiences with their DSL colleagues.
The course will also provide updates on safeguarding legislation and guidance - the current Keeping Children Safe in Education, and Working Together to Safeguard Children, that affect Safeguarding and Child Protection.
Pupils will:
- be safer and have safeguarding needs met in an appropriate and timely manner
Practitioners will:
- understand the child protection responsibilities of the designated safeguarding lead person
Settings will:
- be safer organisations and compliant with government/statutory guidance
This course is designed for those acting as the designated safeguarding lead person for child protection, or their deputies, or those who have previously attended the full day Designated Safeguarding Lead Person initial training
This one-day course will cover the role and responsibilities of the Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL), help participants understand safeguarding thresholds to help make the right decisions about what steps to take when concerns about a child have been raised. How to recognise, respond to, refer and record concerns about a child.
The course will assist you to understand statutory safeguarding legislation and guidance that forms your organisation’s processes and procedures to safeguard and protect children. This will include the current Keeping Children Safe in Education - Working Together to Safeguard Children, and The role of the DSL at a Child Protection Case Conference.
Pupils will:
- be safer and have safeguarding needs met in a more appropriate and timely manner
Practitioners will:
- understand the child protection role and responsibilities of the Designated Safeguarding Lead Person
- know how to deal with difficult conversations and responsibilities
- be able to respond to concerns (initial responses to children and families, making and managing a referral to Children’s Services, contributing to Child Protection Conferences and the Child Protection Plan)
Settings will:
- be safer organisations and compliant with statutory government guidance
Designed for those who will be acting as and taking on the role of Designated Safeguarding Lead Person for safeguarding and child protection.