Direct Services to Schools

2023/2024 EYFS and Primary: Package 1

The Early Years, Primary and Secondary CPD programme offers a wide variety of courses, both as a subscription package and standalone. The courses aim to support leaders and practitioners to develop high quality provision in their own schools. Courses provide participants with opportunities to reflect, share best practice and ensure they are up to date with current pedagogies and statutory requirements.

This package includes one place at each of the following:

  • 3 x Early Years Foundation Stage Leaders' Network Meeting
  • 1 x KS2 Expected Standard writing moderation workshop for Year 6 teachers
  • 1 x KS2 Greater Depth Standard writing moderation workshop for Year 6 teachers
  • 1 x KS1 and KS2 Statutory Assessment Briefing
  • 1 x Pre Key Stage standards moderation workshop
  • 2 x Assessment Leader Network
  • 1 x New to year 6 - Understanding the expectations of writing standards in the KS2 Teacher Assessment Framework for teachers

All Leaders and Practitioners

Greenwich Direct Services to Schools
£350 for RBG schools

To make booking please Login or Register
2023/2024 EYFS and Primary: Package 2

The Early Years, Primary and Secondary CPD programme offers a wide variety of courses, both as a subscription package and standalone. The courses aim to support leaders and practitioners to develop high quality provision in their own schools. Courses provide participants with opportunities to reflect, share best practice and ensure they are up to date with current pedagogies and statutory requirements.

This package includes one place at each of the following:

  • 3 x Early Years Foundation Stage Leaders' Network Meeting
  • 1 x KS2 Expected Standard writing moderation workshop for Year 6 teachers
  • 1 x KS2 Greater Depth Standard writing moderation workshop for Year 6 teachers
  • 1 x KS1 and KS2 Statutory Assessment Briefing
  • 1 x Pre Key Stage standards moderation workshop
  • 2 x Assessment Leader Network
  • 1 x New to year 6 - Understanding the expectations of writing standards in the KS2 Teacher Assessment Framework for teachers
  • 1 x Year 2 maths moderation
  • 1 x Year 4 maths moderation
  • 1 x Year 2 writing moderation
  • 1 x Year 5 writing moderation
  • 1 x Developing mathematical reasoning for teachers who are new to KS2

All Leaders and Practitioners

Greenwich Direct Services to Schools
£630 for RBG schools

To make booking please Login or Register
Getting It Right First Time - Training on Exclusion Law and Guidance
Training on Exclusion Law and Guidance
Practitioners will:
  • Have an understanding of the exclusion guidance and responsibilities when suspending and issuing permanent exclusions
  • Be empowered to issue exclusions when necessary, in a reasonable, lawful and procedurally fair manner
  • Have a full understanding of Independent Review Panels.
Settings will:
  • Have staff who have a greater understanding of best practice and are compliant with the responsibilities of the Exclusion Guidance as issued by the DfE.
Headteachers and Assistant Headteachers
Greenwich Direct Services to Schools
27th September 2024 (9:30am - 4:15pm)
Woolwich Town Hall
Tanya Callman
£20 for RBG schools
£20 for non-RBG schools

To make booking please Login or Register
ASD Awareness Training for all School Staff

This session provides an introduction to the thinking and learning styles of pupils with an ASD. Additionally it will provide all staff with an overview of practical strategies to support pupils with an ASD.

Pupils will:

  • be provided with appropriate strategies and support to assist their inclusion, interaction and access to all areas of the curriculum


Practitioners will:

  • have an understanding of autism and how it affects pupils and their families
  • be equipped with a range of strategies to support pupils with autism in mainstream primary schools


Settings will:

  • be able to set up ASD friendly approaches across the whole school and establish consistent approaches to the management of pupils in their schools, as a consequence of a shared knowledge and understanding amongst all staff
  • have staff who have a greater understanding of best practice in relation to pupils with autism, as well as the sensory difficulties they experience which can affect their ability to be included

Whole school teams

Greenwich Direct Services to Schools
After booking, we will contact you to discuss your requirements.
At host school
SEND Outreach Support Service
Free to RBG schools

To make booking please Login or Register