Getting It Right First Time - Training on Exclusion Law and Guidance
Training on Exclusion Law and Guidance
Practitioners will:
- Have an understanding of the exclusion guidance and responsibilities when suspending and issuing permanent exclusions
- Be empowered to issue exclusions when necessary, in a reasonable, lawful and procedurally fair manner
- Have a full understanding of Independent Review Panels.
Settings will:
- Have staff who have a greater understanding of best practice and are compliant with the responsibilities of the Exclusion Guidance as issued by the DfE.
Headteachers and Assistant Headteachers
SENCO Network Meeting
A networking session for SENCOs to share new developments in SEND. This session will provide support, information, advice and sign posting for SENCOs in mainstream schools in Royal Borough of Greenwich.
SENCOs will:
- have access to up-to-date information on SEND developments that are taking place in Royal Greenwich
- have access to specialist advice and support that supports working as a SENCO in mainstream school setting
- have opportunities to network with other SENCOs in a similar role in schools in Royal Greenwich
Primary and Secondary SENCOs
100% of attendees to have completed feedback, would recommend this course.
Deputy Head Inclusion Meeting
Networking sessions for secondary Deputy Headteachers responsible for inclusion. These sessions will offer support, advice, and opportunities to share information.
Pupils will:
- benefit from a consistent approach to inclusion
Deputy Headteachers will:
- have opportunities to network with colleagues in similar roles within Greenwich schools
- gain access to specialist advice abd support from both internal and external partners
- have dedicated time to reflect, share best practices, and stay current with inclusion practices and statutory requirements
Settings will:
- promote consistency in their inclusion practices
- ensure communication and expectations are of the highest quality
Deputy Headteachers
Science Subject Leaders Network
This meeting will support Science Subject Leaders with specific aspects of their role and provide up-to-date information on current research and policies. It will support Science Subject Leaders to explore ways of continuing to improve the quality of teaching and learning in science and will provide opportunities to share effective practice.
Pupils will:
- benefit from improved teaching and learning
- have improved behaviours for learning
Subject Leaders will:
- be able to achieve outstanding or improved outcomes across their school
- be able to plan for effective and personalised interventions
Settings will:
- benefit from improved leadership, and teaching, learning and assessment
Secondary and Special School Subject Leaders
100% of attendees to have completed feedback, would recommend this course.