Direct Services to Schools

Emotionally Based School Avoidance (EBSA) and ASD

This course is designed to offer participants an understanding of factors underpinning EBSA together with why autistic children and young people who experience EBSA might be at particular risk. It has been developed by members of the ASD Outreach and Educational Psychology Services and includes the sharing of theoretical information together with discussion and hands-on activities. The course will explore evidence-based approaches and interventions in relation to EBSA and how these can be used with a range of children and young people, including those who are autistic. In addition to sharing school-based strategies, an aim of the course is to equip participants with an understanding of how authentic, impactful home-school collaborations can be developed and how these can represent the platform for effective intervention. 

Those who have participated in the course found the following particularly helpful:

  • Thinking about the wider context of EBSA and why autistic pupils might be at more risk
  • Listening to professionals who have knowledge and experience of supporting pupils experiencing EBSA
  • Understanding risk and resilience factors around EBSA
  • The focus on transition points and how best to support pupils at these times 

Schools will:

  • benefit from staff participating in the training so they are equipped to share knowledge and understanding, so facilitating a shared approach to supporting children and young people (CYP) who experience EBSA, particularly autistic CYP within the school.

Pupils will:

  • benefit from staff supporting them at school gaining knowledge and understanding of EBSA, and why autistic CYP might be at particular risk.
  • benefit from staff being more equipped to offer effective support and understand the importance of their voice and collaboration with key people in their lives informing this support. 
Staff will:
  • explore key psychological models to understand the needs of CYP experiencing EBSA, and why autistic CYP might be at particular risk.
  • understand how EBSA is maintained and developed over time.
  • understand factors underpinning EBSA as well as risk and resilience factors in relation to EBSA.
  • understand the four functions of EBSA.
  • understand EBSA within the context of transitions between phases of education.
  • understand the different tools to facilitate assessment that can help us understand EBSA and how these are used.
  • understand the importance of the pupil voice informing EBSA intervention.
  • understand the importance of authentic collaborations between home and education settings, and how these can be achieved.

Anybody who is involved in supporting children and young people who experience EBSA. Together with members of staff based within education settings, this includes members of services supporting schools and/or children and young people (e.g., Outreach services, Attendance and Advisory service, Educational Psychology, School Counsellors etc.)

Greenwich Direct Services to Schools
24th February 2025 (9:00am - 3:00pm)
SEND Outreach, King's Park Campus, Eltham Palace Road, SE9 5LX
Members of the ASD Outreach and Educational Psychology & Wellbeing Services
Free to RBG schools
£165 for non-RBG schools

To make booking please Login or Register
9th June 2025 (9:00am - 3:00pm)
SEND Outreach, King's Park Campus, Eltham Palace Road, SE9 5LX
Members of the ASD Outreach and Educational Psychology & Wellbeing Services
Free to RBG schools
£165 for non-RBG schools

To make booking please Login or Register
Story Box Training

This course provides an overview of the story box programmes, which offer a story-based multisensory approach to the development of early reading and communication skills.  Some boxes also include a focus on early maths concepts and skills.  The boxes contain a large range of engaging resources.

This training course offers staff an opportunity to become familiar with the story box programmes and available resources, and prepares them to deliver these to groups of pupils.

Pupils will:

  • be able to develop their language, communication and early reading (and maths) skills through a structured, multisensory story based programme

Staff will:

  • feel confident about delivering story box programme to groups of children

SENCOs and Support Staff

Greenwich Direct Services to Schools
25th February 2025 (9:30am - 11:00am)
SEND Outreach, King's Park Campus, Eltham Palace Road, SE9 5LX
SEND Outreach Support Service
Free to RBG schools
£30 for non-RBG schools

To make booking please Login or Register
PIVATS 5 Moderation Workshop
This workshop will provide an opportunity for teachers to explore and discuss the PIVATS 5 descriptors.
Teachers will work with colleagues to moderate their own pupil's samples of work and make accurate judgements for those children who are working significantly below the key stage standards.
Attendees will bring along examples of work produced by the children they wish to discuss with colleagues and moderators.
Practitioners will:
  • be secure and consistent in their assessments for children working below key stage standards
Pupils will:
  • be supported to make progress due to having appropriate targets set for learning
SENCOs and Teachers
Greenwich Direct Services to Schools
4th March 2025 (9:30am - 12:30pm)
SEND Outreach, King's Park Campus, Eltham Palace Road, SE9 5LX
SEND Outreach Support Service
Free to RBG schools
£50 for non-RBG schools

To make booking please Login or Register
Strategies to support children at early development stage of communication (including intensive interaction + more than words)

This course provides an introduction to Intensive Interaction techniques and the rationale for using these with pupils with an ASD. Practical application in a school setting is provided.

Pupils will:

  • be supported to develop communication skills using Intensive Interaction

Practitioners will:

  • gain an in-depth knowledge of how Intensive Interaction can help children with an ASD to develop communication skills

Settings will:

  • be supported by staff who are confident about the rationale and theory behind intensive interaction

Staff supporting students with an ASD in schools, SENCOs, Teachers and Teaching Assistants

Greenwich Direct Services to Schools
6th March 2025 (9:30am - 12:30pm)
SEND Outreach, King's Park Campus, Eltham Palace Road, SE9 5LX
SEND Outreach Support Service
Free to RBG schools
£70 for non-RBG schools

To make booking please Login or Register