This event provides participants with the six 2.5 hour sessions (previously 3 days) for preparation for assessment and the fee also covers the half-day assessment required for gaining HLTA status.
These six sessions will take you through all aspects which you need to cover in preparation for assessment against the 33 HLTA standards.
All sessions are compulsory and candidates who miss one will need to reschedule for the next available dates. This will affect their hand in and assessment dates.
The final assessment will be by telephone or online meeting.
All candidates must check they have the relevant level 2 (equivalent to GCSE A*-C, 9-4, grade) maths and English qualification certificates before applying.
HLTAs will:
- be supported in completing the written assignments and feel prepared for the online assessment required.
Participants who successfully complete will gain HLTA status
Staff seeking to gain HLTA status
8th November 2024 (1:00pm - 3:30pm)
14th November 2024 (1:00pm - 3:30pm)
15th November 2024 (1:00pm - 3:30pm)
12th December 2024 (1:00pm - 3:30pm)
13th December 2024 (1:00pm - 3:30pm)
Please complete additional information application form and return along with valid qualifications to
to complete application process.
The training will cover the specific learning profile of a pupil with Down Syndrome, how to pace a lesson to maximise student engagement, differentiation strategies across the curriculum (including English and maths), supporting behaviour, increasing self-esteem, supporting unstructured times of the day and promoting independence.
Pupils will:
- benefit from carefully planned support, tailored to meet individual need
Staff will:
- have increased confidence to effectively implement strategies to support children with Down Syndrome
SENCOs, Teachers and Teaching Assistants supporting a child in school with Down's Syndrome
This course provides an overview of the story box programmes, which offer a story-based multisensory approach to the development of early reading and communication skills. Some boxes also include a focus on early maths concepts and skills. The boxes contain a large range of engaging resources.
This training course offers staff an opportunity to become familiar with the story box programmes and available resources, and prepares them to deliver these to groups of pupils.
Pupils will:
- be able to develop their language, communication and early reading (and maths) skills through a structured, multisensory story based programme
Staff will:
- feel confident about delivering story box programme to groups of children
SENCOs and Support Staff
Staff continue to feedback the benefits of clinical supervision support provided, this includes:
- Opportunity to share common concerns
- Opportunity to support others in similar roles
- Opportunity to tap into ideas, expertise and experience of others
- Opportunity to reflect positively and safely
- Providing personal & professional development
The sessions also model a framework for supervision that will support Learning Mentors and pastoral staff to work effectively with their students.
The sessions for current year will be facilitated by an experienced Specialised Clinical Social Worker/Psychologist from the Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS) Early Intervention Team, who is a member of the CAMHS Family Therapy clinic and has a specific responsibility for supporting the work of front line professionals in Children’s Services.
To ensure sessions are beneficial and effective, supervision will take place within small groups, with no more than 8 participants. Places must be confirmed.
Pupils will:
- be safeguarded and supported by confident staff whose practice is safe and reflective
Practitioners will:
- feel supported and have a safe space to discuss concerns, development needs and strategies
Settings will:
- have staff who are equipped to carry out their roles in a safe and professional manner
Learning Mentors and other pastoral staff