The Professional Role
The Early Years Lead Practitioner’s (EYLP) role involves being an influential and proactive practitioner, working with children aged 0-8 years, leading daily practice at an operational level.
They are highly skilled professionals providing an inclusive and holistic provision, taking the operational lead on care, development and learning of all children. They keep up to date with developments in the Early Years sector both locally and nationally and will typically be responsible for leading other practitioners or an aspect of the environment such as communication, planning, forest school, physical activity, or nutrition. They report directly to the head of the setting.
In the Early Years Lead Practitioner apprenticeship, you can work within a range of early years settings including full day care, children’s centres, preschools, and reception classes.
The Learning Journey
The length of the course is typically 24 months plus the End Point Assessment.
On Programme Learning
The course is delivered as day release, using a blended learning model including formal workshops, tutorials, and independent study. Some of this training may be delivered virtually using video calling.
Through a series of assignments, observation, and reflection. You will work towards competency in all the knowledge, skills and behaviours, a sample of which can be seen in the knowledge, skills, and behaviours table.
Additional Requirements
In addition to the above, you will need to achieve a level 2 qualification in English and maths if you do not already hold these at GCSE or equivalent.
Knowledge | Skills | Behaviours |
This qualification can support learners to go on to further study at university to gain Qualified/Early Years Teacher Status.
End Point Assessment
Once you have met all the criteria to pass Gateway, the EPA will consist of:
- Observation with questions
- Professional discussion underpinned by a portfolio of evidence
- Case study with report, presentation, and questioning