Direct Services to Schools

School Improvement Service: EYFS, Primary, Secondary (11-19)

Also see School Improvement Service: Governor Services

The School Improvement Service in the Royal Borough of Greenwich consists of highly skilled and qualified advisors who are totally committed to ensuring the best possible outcomes for children and young people.

We have a history of strong partnership work with schools and settings which has contributed to the transformation of outcomes for children and young people in Royal Greenwich.

We will work in partnership to provide well matched, bespoke programmes which will challenge all schools and settings to improve their offer.  We focus on building capacity so that you can continue your journey towards high quality education for all.

Leadership and curriculum support can be provided by specific advisors, who have had considerable success in raising standards and improving teaching and learning. They will work with you to provide effective support, specific to the needs of your school.

Governor Services provide high quality professional clerking, crucial to the effective functioning of governing boards. The Governor Services team help governing boards to understand their role, function and the legal duties of school leadership and management.

Our services are available to any individual or organisation involved in the education and care of children and young people.

Improvement Partner Programme


Quality of Education
  • Tailoring support for practitioners, teachers and leaders to enable them to provide high quality teaching and learning
  • Supporting schools in understanding and developing innovative and appropriate curricula
  • Ensuring that assessment for learning approaches, including tracking and moderation, are used effectively so pupils make good progress
  • Ensuring effective use of targeted resources, to secure the best outcomes for vulnerable and disadvantaged groups
  • Promoting pupil well-being and how this improves outcomes for learners
  • Encouraging positive transitions so that pupils continue to make good progress

Quality of Leadership and Management
  • Building leadership capacity at all levels, to identify precisely areas of strength and areas requiring further improvement 
  • Challenging leaders at all levels, to evaluate their impact on standards and outcomes for children and young people

Statutory Assessment: Academies and Free Schools

Royal Greenwich can act as the named local authority for academies and free schools and provide services to support statutory assessment requirements. 

Please contact Michelle Booker, Moderation Manager for further details:


Daily cost per service provider is £550 per advisor

(note all charges are inclusive of administration costs)

Service Specifications

Improvement Partner Programme
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Headteacher Performance Management
Card image cap Download
Click here to see EYFS Courses
Click here to see Primary Courses
Click here to see Secondary Courses


Matthew West
Head of School Improvement
020 8921 2793